Scientists spot mysterious object at the center of our Milky Way

Scientists have discovered a mysterious object at the center of our Milky Way that does not fit the criteria of anything else in the galaxy.

The team found the object emits microwaves, which suggests it contains dust and fast-moving gas that is traveling nearly 112,000 miles per hour from a very small area in the heart of our galaxy.

Astronomers have considered a range of options for what the object could be, from a black hole to a collapsing cloud and evolved star, but found ‘its features do not match well with those of any known type of astronomical body.’

The team found the object emits microwaves, which has suggested it contains dust and fast-moving gas. The gas was detected moving nearly 112,000 miles per hour from a very small area in the heart of our galaxy

The team found the object emits microwaves, which has suggested it contains dust and fast-moving gas. The gas was detected moving nearly 112,000 miles per hour from a very small area in the heart of our galaxy© Provided by Daily Mail

‘The center of our Galaxy contains billions of stars, tens of millions of solar masses of gas, a supermassive black hole, a tenth of our Galaxy’s ongoing star formation, and an extensive graveyard of stellar remnants,’ researchers shared in the study published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

‘It is therefore the likeliest place to find new classes of objects. We present one such object in this work.

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