May 02

SEO怎么做?九个步骤完成网站SEO, 关键在于坚持!

  • 第一:网站诊断: 首先要对优化的网站进行诊断,写出一个详细的网站诊断书。参考一言堂网址诊断栏目。第二:关键词选择 在进行网站优化前,先要锁定自己网站的关键词。选择一个合适的关键词对于网站优化有非常重要的作用。 具体操作步骤如下: 1、列出基础词2、使用关键词分析工具找出更多的关键词和热门关键词。 百度指数 英文关键词工具 提示:试着用剩余的关键字在搜索引擎中进行搜索,不要把焦点放在最流行的关键字上。有时候,次关键字排名起来还是比较容易的。因为最流行的关键字会存在着更多的竞争对手,而次关键字反之。在选择关键字时的技巧是找出关键字需求与关键字竞争的平衡点,即所选关键字竞争不是很激烈。简而言之就是长尾关键词的合理选用。例如www.yyt66.cn这个网站如果做“seo”是很难做到首页的,如果用“一言堂seo”就不是很难。第三:网站构架完善优化网站的超链接构架,主要需要做好以下几方面:
  • 1、URL优化:把网站的url优化成权重较高的url
  • 2、相关链接:做好站内各类页面之间的相关链接,此条非常重要,这方面做好,可以先利用网站的内部链接,为重要的关键词页面建立众多反向链接。这里要特别强调一下:反向链接是网页和网页之间的,不是网站和网站之间的。所以网站内部页面之间相互的链接,也是相互的反向链接,对排名也是有帮助的。第四:网站内容策略
  • 1、丰富网站的内容:把网站内容搞丰富起来,这是非常重要的,网站内容越丰富,说明你的网站越专业,用户喜欢,搜索引擎也喜欢。
  • 2、增加部分原创内容:因为采集系统促使制作垃圾站变成了生产垃圾站,所以完全没有原创内容的网站,尽管内容丰富,搜索引擎也不会很喜欢。所以一个网站,尽量要有一部分原创内容。第五:网页细节的优化和完善
  • 1、title和meta标签的优化:按照SEO的标准,把网站的所有title和meta标签进行合理的优化和完善,以达到合理的状态。切记:千万不要盲目的在title中堆积关键词,这是大部分人经常翻的错误。一个真正SEO的非常合理的网站,是一个看不出有刻意优化痕迹的网站。
  • 2、网页排版的规划化:主要是合理的使用H1、strong、alt等标签,在网页中合理的突出核心关键词。切记:千万不要把网页中所有的图片都加上alt注释,只需要将最重要的图片,不如产品图片,人物图片加上合理的说明就OK。第六:网站地图制作和提交这个步骤在文章如何快速被搜索引擎收录已经详细介绍了。第七:制订增加反向链接计划以前的工作都做好了,最重要的就是要制订一个合理的增加反向链接计划,然后选择几种合理的增加反向链接手段,然后按照计划需序渐进的去做,获得好排名就只是时间问题了。切记:不可短时间内迅速增加非常多的高质量的反向链接,比如短短两三天,增加几百个PR值都是4以上的链接,这样的话,你就危险了。容易被gogole当作购买链接,然后被处罚。第八:经常更新网站的内容,多加入一些比较有质量的内容。最好多弄一些原创的东西。

    第九:分析网站的流量的来源, (一般是使用统计系统),通过数据分析自己网站,及时进行有效的改善。



May 02



域名空间的选择,首先域名一定是比较容易记忆,这样可以减少用户的记忆成本,建议使用拼音全拼或者英文单词或者有某种含义的数字,不要使用首字母简写,这样用户不便于理解。比如本博客: ,直接是拼音形式的,这样用户便于记忆,在访问的时候可以直接输入域名进行访问。








  1. 软产品是一种虚拟的产品,它可以是一种服务,或者提供给用户的一条信息等等。比如,我们的人才网就属于软产品,我们给用户提供人才的需求。
  2. 硬产品,是一种真真实实存在的东西,比如淘宝网,它提供的就是一种真实存在的产品。











2.高权重链接(包括友情链接) 可以用站长工具来查看友情链接的


4.分析一般性链接(例如:个性签名)注:domain 查询的包含有效和无效的链接。






























May 01

Immortality – Become Immortal

Immortality is the ability to live forever, or eternal life.[2] Biological forms have inherent limitations which may or may not be able to be overcome through medical interventions or engineering. Natural selection has developed potential biological immortality in at least one species, the jellyfish Turritopsis nutricula.

Certain scientists, futurists, and philosophers, have theorized about the immortality of the human body, and advocate that human immortality is achievable in the first few decades of the 21st century, while other advocates believe that life extension is a more achievable goal in the short term, with immortality awaiting further research breakthroughs into an indefinite future. Aubrey de Grey, a researcher who has developed a series of biomedical rejuvenation strategies to reverse human aging (called SENS), believes that his proposed plan for ending aging may be implementable in two or three decades. The absence of aging would provide humans with biological immortality, but not invulnerability to death by physical trauma. What form an unending human life would take, or whether an immaterial soul exists and possesses immortality, has been a major point of focus of religion, as well as the subject of speculation, fantasy, and debate.

In religious contexts, immortality is often stated to be among the promises by God (or other deities) to human beings who show goodness or else follow divine law (cf. resurrection).

Dec 07

A high maintenance girl

If you describe something or somebody as high-maintenance, you mean that they require a lot of attention, time, money, or effort.

E.g, I cannot stand her because she is such a high maintenance woman.

Dec 07

If you like, we can get married in an Irish way!

When I was having a chit-chat with my colleague, she asked me all of a sudden, “How did your husband propose to you at that time? Was it romantic?” I was numbed by her words for a while, and then burst into laughter, “My husband is a bit rigid, so do you think his proposal would be romantic?” Though I said in that way, I felt very sweet in heart when thinking of my husband’s proposing to me. To be honest, his proposal was actually by no means romantic without flowers, diamond ring and any other surprise. It was even could not be called “marriage proposal”.

At that time, he gave me a book about Ireland, which, now I am thinking was a long-established plan. At the weekend when I finished the book, he came to me and asked me whether I had finished the book. Seeing me nod my head, he felt very pleased and said to me in a low but happy voice, “If you like, we can get married in an Irish way!”

At that time, my heart was totally convinced by the romantic and sacred law of marriage in Ireland. The book told me that Ireland believes in Catholicism and prohibited divorce. Therefore, when a couple get married, they are supposed to choose the time of their marriage which ranges from 1 year to 100 years. The most impressive of this law of marriage lies in the inverse relationship between the time of marriage and the fees to be charged. If you choose 1 year for your marriage, you shall pay as much as 2, 000 sterling pounds plus receiving a dictionary-thick reference of rights and responsibilities. But if you choose 100 years, then you are very lucky and only need to pay 0.5 pound for the fees and receive a short but heart-touching note in all women’s eyes: “I have no idea the clear rights and responsibilities for my left hand to my right hand, my right leg to my left leg, my left eye to my right eye and my right sphere of brain to the left. Actually, they are an integrated whole and live by each other and cheer for each other. Finally, I would like this pink note to convey my best wishes to your one-hundred-year marriage! May you live happily all your lives!”

I still remember at that time that I said to my husband, “Ok, so sir, please choose the time you expect our marriage to last!” He said happily, “I even do not bother to think about it and would definitely choose 100 years because it is highly money-saving!” Later, I married him, a man who would like to stay with me for 100 years. Although we are not bound by the law of marriage in Ireland, we have cherished our vow to discipline ourselves all the time. We have married like Irish people and look on our marriage as a life-long commitment and spare no effort to nourish it hand in hand as we are gradually aging together.

I also sincerely hope that every pair of lovers in the world can get married like Irish people and love and protect each other whole-heartedly by committing themselves to a 100-year marriage.

Dec 06

It is a sad story

There are always more money to be made and more beautiful girls to be chased. The question is what is the most important thing in life.

In my line of work, people move from place to place for better opportunities. However, very seldom, my colleagues besides the ones from mainland China will leave their families behind indefinitely.

Dec 06

The perfect girl?

——– The Great Gatsby

** Out-of-this-world intelligent and passionate
** Ambitious and extremely independent with eclectic and diverse interests
** Not needy, high-maintenance, jealous, or requiring constant attention
** Very adventurous – loves to backpack around China, for example
** 5’7″ – 6’1″
** Very thin but not because she’s starving herself or has food issues – I want someone who will be thin her entire life ** Small breasts (usually come with “very thin”)
** Gorgeous (symmetrical face and features)
** Loves big dogs
** Atheist, agnostic, or not religious
** Happy!
** Healthy!
** Nice!
** Does not want kids in the next five years
** Is in her twenties
** Plays tennis very well, helicopter skis, and is dying to learn how to kite-board
** Speaks French perfectly
** Plays video games (maybe I’m asking for a bit much here :))
Dec 06


I fell in love with you watching Casablanca
Back row of the drive in show in the flickering light
Popcorn and cokes beneath the stars became champagne and caviar
Making love on a long hot summers night

I thought you fell in love with me watching Casablance
Holding hands ‘neath the paddle fans in Rick’s Candle lit cafe
Hiding in the shadows from the spies. Moroccan moonlight in your eyes
Making magic at the movies in my old chevrolet

Oh! A kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh
Please come back to me in Casablanca
I love you more and more each day as time goes by

I guess there’re many broken hearts in Casablanca
[- From: -]
You know I’ve never really been there. so, I don’t know
I guess our love story will never be seen on the big wide silver screen
But it hurt just as bad when I had to watch you go

Oh! A kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh
Please come back to me in Casablanca
I love you more and more each day as time goes by
Oh! A kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh

Please come back to me in Casablanca
I love you more and more each day as time goes by
I love you more and more each day as time goes by